Year 1 Session 5 (2/26/21)

Welcome To Session 5, Aim Academy Families!!

Eagles returned with excitement and vigor!  The start of this session brought many changes to the studio:  a new studio arrangement, a change in guides, new committees, new houses and a new quest.

Day one, Eagles were invited to investigate the studio and observe what changes they noticed. They were also invited to investigate their thoughts and feelings about the changes.  After a few minutes to go through the studio and take note of the changes - desks in the main studio, a "spark" studio, a Quest nook, and a Library, we gathered to talk about it. Eagles shared what they observed and also talked about their uncertainty, confusion, excitement and joy.

Being new to Aim Academy, I wasn't sure what to expect as far as work habits upon returning from a week break. Every eagle showcased the value of this education model. They acknowledged the changes within the studio and then quickly dove back into their core skills.  Self-directed learning at its best.

The new committees were chosen and they jumped into their duties easily. A new way of holding each other accountable to the Standards of Excellence was voted on today and will be finalized next week as the Excellence Committee will now include EVERY eagle. They saw the value of not having just 2 eagles hold the power of this committee.

The Eagles have enjoyed the new Freedom Levels. They have the opportunity to reach Soaring every day to unlock the Elective time in the afternoon. Several Eagles have seen heightened motivation during Core Skills. A couple Eagles were able to sidestep the disappointment of not reaching Soaring by realizing that their Freedom Level would reset the next day. This system allows them to see the consequences of time management in real time.

The new Quest this session is the Jacques Cousteau Marine Science Quest. During this Quest, Eagles have the opportunity to complete both Team challenges and Individual Challenges. There was a lot of enthusiasm around the team science experiments to understand surface currents and the Coriolis Effect. 

Today, as part of Free Choice Friday, Eagles who were Soaring had the choice of various electives, Quest or to watch an episode of "Blue Planet". Most chose to watch the film - and watch sea turtles lay eggs, the killer whales eat their prey, and discover what fish live in the deep ocean.  

NOTE 1:  Next week, Eagles will have the opportunity to create their own model of a Coral Reef.  If you have empty egg cartons, or toilet paper or paper towel rolls, (or any other material you think would be useful), please send it with your student on Monday.

NOTE 2: Next week, our PE day will be on WEDNESDAY.   (And may be changing to Wednesday for the whole session.)

Hope you've had a great week back!

Kind regards,
Aim Guides

Hi, I'm Lance Stewart.

I'm the founder and Head of School at Aim Academy.

We'd love to hear from you. Schedule a call below:

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