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The Importance of Change

Hello Spark Parents! At Aim Academy, we encourage the Eagles to embrace change as a natural and necessary part of their lea...

Year 1 Session 7 (6/23/21)

 Dear Aim Parents - With endings come beginnings.   On the Hero's Journey poster, there is a picture that many Eagles did no...

Year 1 Session 5 (4/2/21)

Hello Aim Families! I am excited to be the one personally writing our round up today. I have usually let Daniel and Serena t...

Year 1 Session 5 (2/26/21)

Welcome To Session 5, Aim Academy Families!! Eagles returned with excitement and vigor!  The start of this session brought m...

Hi, I'm Lance Stewart.

I'm the founder and Head of School at Aim Academy.

We'd love to hear from you. Schedule a call below:

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